The Boost AI Simulation: The Artificial Intelligence Diffusion Challenge
A new Simulation Game focussing on the Challenge of adopting AI Techniques in different organizational functions – from HR to Finance to Operations/Technology and Commercial/Client Management.
Over the last few years large organizations have started deploying extensively Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques to further increase performance particularly through:
High quality, data- and evidence-based decision making in complex situations
Improved risk assessment and forecasting for optimal resource allocation
Better leveraging the data and information collected throughout the organization
Stimulating the emergence of new AI-enhanced products and services
The introduction of new platforms supporting the awareness and deployment of AI Techniques throughout the organization are also perceived as key to face the expectation levels of a new generation of managers which is naturally more open towards technology-enabled innovation and pervasive online, real-time, smart services.
However, many organizations are still successfully operating without such innovations, and do not have a very “AI-friendly” culture (positive attitude towards AI Techniques and willingness to explore their deployment). In such cases, making change happen can be a very challenging task … and this is what you will experience during your Mission at FrontMedia!
You and your Team have just been appointed by the Board of GlobeCom to a challenging and critical management mission: Over the next 6 months you will be operating at FrontMedia, a recently acquired fast growing company.
Your objective there is to persuade a successful but very independent-minded top management team to harmonize their processes by adopting "Boost AI", the corporate platform that the GlobeCom Group has recently rolled out to systematically inject AI Techniques in all the Key Functions of the organization.
GlobeCom, your company, is a leading global telecom and media group, which over the last 10 years grew and expanded tremendously through entering new markets and through the acquisition of companies like FrontMedia, which joined the group almost 2 years ago.
FrontMedia is the most successful recent acquisition of GlobeCom. It is considered by everybody as the "cash cow" of the whole group, and is run proudly and independently by Emma Stuart, the CEO, and her management team.
"Boost AI" is the name of the platform GlobeCom has started rolling out more than 3 years ago to systematically inject AI Techniques in the key functions of all the companies of the Group. "Boost AI" has rapidly become the 'backbone' for performance improvement initiatives throughout the organization, providing "Everybody with the AI Techniques they need to improve the performance of their key processes as well as to come up with a new generation of AI-enhanced products and services”.
… read more in Boost AI Simulation Mission.
• Understanding the Factors determining the Success or Failure of AI Projects in Organizations
• Identifying and Facing Resistance to the introduction of AI Techniques in different organizational functions – from HR to Finance, to Operations/Technology and Commercial/Client Management.
• An intensive, engaging and highly interactive team learning experience
A tool adapted to managers and decision makers considering, planning or experiencing the deployment of AI Techniques to increase performance in different organizational functions.
By the end of this session, participants should…
• Better understand the dynamics (drivers, resistance forms, barriers) of organizational change diffusion when it comes to innovating through AI Techniques, and how to address them for rapid transformation/change adoption
• Be aware of the different ways in which AI Techniques can be implemented in different organizational functions
• Understand the importance of thriving on volatility, uncertainty, ambiguity and complexity
• Understand the importance of leveraging both formal and informal influence networks
• Understand what I takes to lead effective Teams of Change Agents
Competencies Built:
• Rapid Transformation/Change Management strategy and tactics
• Change Management Patterns and Performance Traps
• AI techniques diffusion in different organizational functions
• Transformation and Innovation Diffusion processes in global organizations
• Effective organizational diagnosis and interventions;
• Strategic thinking, performance orientation, employee development, initiative.